When you say…
“Universe, I’m ready to up-level in a BIG fucking way,” and you really, really mean it, you better get ready.
Because you are about to be initiated in a BIG fucking way.
All the shit that’s been holding you back and keeping you small? You don’t get to bypass it. Not even a little. It’s gonna come up to the surface, and sifting through it will be ANYTHING but comfortable.
Becoming a thought leader is not an easy path. It takes a level of ferocity, gumption and unshakable belief in yourself. Wait no, scratch that. Your belief in yourself will ABSOLUTELY shake. It may even crumble into tiny little pieces. And when it does you’ll realize it’s not about you AT ALL.
It’s about the work. The message. The “BIG WHY” behind everything you do.
If you got into coaching or healing work to feel good about yourself, to be praised, to get famous, to be adored, I implore you, STOP NOW.
Because it is a humbling ride.
Yes there are wins. Big paydays. Moments in the spotlight. “You changed my life” messages. And that stuff IS wonderful.
But there are also dark nights of the soul. Failed launches. Online bullies. Investments that don’t pan out. Fierce criticism from strangers and people who you love most. Exhaustion. Questioning everything.
Like I said, it’s a ride.
The only thing that WILL get you through is a belief, not in yourself, but in THE WORK. The healing or art you are called to bring into the world.
THAT will get you through the dark times, and keep you humble in the good times.
Anyone you look up to online, anyone who is living their dreams, don’t for a second think they haven’t been through an initiation of their own. So before you get sucked into envy or comparison, know this:
You can have YOUR version of success if you want it. But you have to show up, again and again and again and again.
You have to be willing to do the hard, unglamorous, and at times, emotionally grueling work.