Sitting with the confusion and the questions

Awful April has come and gone and May falls somewhere between moderately moody and marvelous.  There are moments of joy and moments of heart-wrenching sadness and lots of moments that are somewhere in between.  It’s progress.  

What I’m slowly starting to accept is that healing is a process and not a destination.  I am where I am and that’s OK.  I’m sitting with the confusion and the pain and the questions.  I do not have life figured out.  I do not have love figured out.  I do not have my faith figured out.  I do not have my career figured out.  And finally, I do not have myself figured out.  But I’m trying.
My heart goes out to everyone who’s feeling, healing and dealing. Living their questions, taking risks, being vulnerable, learning and growing.  You are not alone and you are brave.  Here’s hoping for a joyful June, jazzy July and awesome August (I <3 alliteration…even in my deep/contemplative moments).

  1. I know how it feels when you haven't figured out your purpose. But I motivate myself and I pushed myself. And that's how I figured out my purpose. I hope you'll have a lovely month of May. Stay beautiful!

  2. I love this. Embracing the process of healing rather than wanting to arrive at HEALED. I'm learning this right next to you. xox

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