As I prepare to re-launch my signature group program, Marketing Mastery, in August I’ve been reflecting on how much has changed since I first created the program in Jan 2015…
And it’s a lot.
At the time I had just moved out of my Mom’s basement in the suburbs and into a cute one-bedroom apartment in DC, was still working part time at my old job, and had JUST gotten clear that I wanted to be a marketing coach.
My days were spent trying to book discovery calls, watching every free marketing training/webinar I could get my hands on (I listened to all 200+ episodes of Gina Devee’s radio in the span of a few weeks), unsuccessfully trying my hand at Tinder (the stories I could tell you!) and reading angel cards/eating gluten free peanut butter cookie’s on Katie DePaola’s coach (they weren’t even that good but when your best friend is a health nut and it’s 2am…what else are you gonna do?).
It was a fun and exciting and totally terrifying time.
There were high highs (getting my first client as a marketing coach! Leading my first group coaching call! Hosting a workshop!) and low lows (having a client agree to work with me only to back out, having to defend my life decisions to skeptical family members who were “really worried about me”, and wondering if I really had what it took to earn enough money coaching to sustain myself).
Fast forward to now and my life (while anything but perfect) looks much different…
I move once a month to a new country (and plan to do so for the foreseeable future) and am constantly somewhere new and exotic. So far this year I’ve been to Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, London and Switzerland…and I’m just getting started.
I have a steady base of 1 on 1 clients who I FUCKING LOVE and who for the most part, completely adore me too. I feel deeply valued on a daily basis and like my work matters.
I have a boyfriend for the first time since I started my business…and it feels GOOD.
I’m MUCH more into intuition and energy healing than I used to be and am currently studying under she-shaman, Jody England, in a 9 month energy healing training program.
My view of what “success” looks like in this coaching world is much more nuanced than it once was.
I used to think that once I hit the holy grail of “$10k/month” all my problems would be solved.
(reality check: NOT true in the slightest).
Cliché as it might sound I now see my business as a journey rather than a destination. I know that no matter how much I achieve, new areas of growth will always present themselves. The experience of being “triggered” and having to work through it isn’t going anywhere (sorry to disappoint).
I also know what I’m capable of and have replaced the shallower self-confidence I used to have with a deep trust in my ability to help people shift at the deepest levels and help them grow aligned and fulfilling businesses.
Lastly, I’m kinder to myself than I used to be.
A funny thing happens when you spend your days hearing about the tender messy parts of other women’s lives…you realize that we’re all always “in it” and NOBODY is as “together” as they seem.
Self doubt is as universal and unavoidable as gravity.
As I’ve been reflecting I’ve felt a sense of peace begin to come over me–it’s cool to see how far I’ve come and acknowledge myself for all that has transpired (I’m a big believer that we don’t do this enough). I encourage you to take some time to do the same…
What’s shifted in your life in the last year and a half?
What are you proud of?
Any ah-has?
Would love to hear about them!